Golden Boot Soccer is proud to be a supporter and fundraiser for Sunrise (formerly Horizon) Day Camp of Greater Washington, hosted by the Pozez JCC of Northern Virginia and dedicated to giving a fun-filled camp experience to local kids battling cancer (and to the siblings of those kids as well). All of Sunrise’s vital services for children with cancer and their families are offered completely free of charge because they are made possible by generous donations from individuals, corporations and foundations.
Sunrise Day Camp at The J brings the simple pleasures of childhood back to children struggling with cancer, changing months of loneliness and isolation into summers filled with sunshine, laughter and happiness. And because Sunrise is a day camp, it does all this while allowing the children to continue their medical treatment and enjoy the comfort and safety of their own homes at night.
Sunrise Day Camp is a proud member of the Sunrise Association, whose mission is to bring back the joys of childhood to children with cancer and their siblings worldwide. Sunrise accomplishes this through the creation and oversight of welcoming, inclusive summer day camps, year-round programs and in-hospital recreational activities, all offered free of charge.
We invite our families to add a few dollars to their own players' camp and program registrations. Every single penny of your donations goes straight to Sunrise, to help bring joy to other children and their families.
There are plenty of other ways to help as well, from participating in fundraising walks, to volunteering, to sponsoring a child for a year of camp and other Sunrise programming. Please visit their website to learn more.
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